
This is actually big, and woefully underreported, news. They took computer hard drives and files. There were quite a few agents involved. The raided firm’s director is a former business partner of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. There are also ties between the firm and the head of Trump’s entertainment branch

Very big law firm has very big ties to Russia.

They are going to have to invest in a second camera at this rate.

Often the little things scare me the most. The changes in acceptable behavior, the lowering of expectations. Our imprisonment in this system will be built upon not one sweeping change, but changes to several laws, some of them seemingly concerning smaller issues or things that don’t usually concern you or me.

it was beautiful and sweet. when joe tries peanut butter for the first time... *sobs*


Mostly overpriced gold coin sellers, firearms, and survivalist supplies companies. Basically all the things you’d need to survive should the global collapse that right wing nut jobs have been saying is imminent for decades actually happen.

Don’t they make a yogurt for that?

When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck

It clicked through for me?

I very calmly and with much forethought wrote to my parents last weekend telling that that should North Korea bomb the west coast that they did a good job and I’ve had a happy life. I’m not depressed, I don’t consider myself alarmist, and I don’t feel defeated. So it was sobering to sit down and think, “in the event

Mass United Airlines re-accommodations.

We were warned.

Jesus H Christ. What hath economic anxiety wrought...

Agreed. I’m a lawyer and I would say YES they did.

Because this is America in 2017. We lent the airlines billions of dollars to help them stay in business after September 11th, most of which has never been paid back, and this is how they treat paying customers now.

Your being a support is all that needs to be “said.” There are no right things to say to make it better, but I truly believe that as long as you avoid the really odious things that people say post-death (think: “Everything happens for a reason” or “He’s with God now”), you can’t really go wrong.

Both sides of the political divide have their wackadoo elements. Lord knows there are some batty liberals. The problem is that the right is being controlled by their nuttiest elements. These are people you can’t negotiate with, can’t reason with, can’t compromise with, because they refuse to do any of those things.

This mirrors what I’ve been saying for some time: back in the Reagan era, Evil was driving the GOP bus; Stupid just paid for the gas. But towards the end of the 90's, Stupid commandeered the wheel and relegated Evil to paying for the gas. And Stupid is a really, really bad driver. While it manages to mow down the

Is Fusion the new Gawker? Has anyone investigated this? They’re just like Blackwater, always changing their name, but still employing Hamilton Nolan.