
I went super nerd and looked to see what Cinnabar Island actually equated to, so we would need to surf along Oshima Island. Quick investigation shows its primarily a travel spot, so might be plenty of surf to be had!

Oh, I thought of another one. Gordon Fahey’s Aliiive!

I’ve created a monster. And spent way too much time making Megaman into Chell, considering I didn’t pixel up Glados

I would love a fancy Quiet figure like this, but I won’t lie. I’d be a bit uncomfortable displaying it in public. If they had her XOF or Sniper Wolf outfits, on the other hand, I’d be down.

I’m not sure I agree with these at all. At first glance, it looked like they added bits on just to add bits on. Then I read it and saw they had reasons to do so, but I’m not sure those reasons followed “modern” Pokemon design. My biggest problem is working backwards from the Mega version of a Pokemon. I feel that’s

I recently read Luthor (previously called Lex Luthor: Man of Steel), and it does have some Luthor/Wayne interaction. Not a lot, but it’s a short book, but the little that’s there is very well done.