
I have a situation like this. A guy I have told no to 27 times. He regularly texts me and then asks me why I didn’t reply. BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY SAID NO 27 TIMES!

From the article:

This all day. It’s not even about “rejection,” it’s about being unable to handle being told no. The number of times I’ve politely declined a man with a “no thank you” only to be cursed out or called a dumb bitch is astounding. Hey, stranger, I don’t even know you well enough to reject you. I’m just passing and I don’t

Seriously, this is hitting me harder than all the poor women who were killed at the hands of rejected men...her fucking BABY?!?!

I want to slap everyone who is questioning why the child was out that late with her mother. If the mother went to someone’s house to do hair, what is the problem with her bringing her child with her? If she is a single mother, what else is she supposed to do? Fucking people.

so do i need to change the quote now?

“Why can’t women be honest and just tell a guy no?”

Oh look! Not one but two issues I am so, so, so fucking tired of reading about every fucking day, tearing up and saying “God fucking damnit” to my computer screen.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

I mean, seriously, holy mother of God.

Aw, I thought McAvoy and Duff were going to go the distance.

Rita Wilson has albums?

I have a very good friend who has worked with/for them. They’re a solid couple. Rita Wilson is the sweetest, most down to earth celebrity she’s met in all of L.A. (and my friend has met aaaaall of them!) and she also has the best hair in the entire city, apparently.

This is an instance that has a real nice smack of “the punishment fits the crime” to it. Think a famous person isn’t responding to you like she should be? Think that you as a fan have the right to insist things from her or treat her a certain way because she is famous?

The death threats he received aren’t her fault- they’re the fault of the internet mob, which was equally vicious to her when she tried to explain how much the incident scared her and why she won’t be taking fan photos (with some exceptions) anymore. You keep conveniently forgetting that he threatened and harassed her

Yeah god forbid she stands up for herself as a woman- women are harassed like this all the time, and I’m betting this is far from the first rude, scary person who she’s had to deal with. I don’t blame her for freaking out and deciding enough is enough and sharing her story.

All I’m thinking here is that this guy quickly found out how hard it is to be famous. The reactions to her original post explaining that she felt threatened were downright horrifying to read- people called her a stuck up bitch and a fatty who should be happy for the attention. Plus, it’s not like she isn’t getting

OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

I don’t understand that mindset at all. Are celebrities not allowed to be off the clock? If someone started harrassing me on my day off to put together some spreadsheets I might even become violent

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.