
Greatest turf on show.

And yet, his hair is arguably less absurd than that of Mark Davis, a man who should be wearing a helicopter beanie.

I see Toronto’s War on Raccoons is going about as well as the USA’s War On Terror.

This racoon is a good bear.

The moment the show caught up to the books it was all over. He always said he’d be ahead of the show and it was nonsense. The fight to even try died then. He gave them his outline, such as it was. All of the reveals will happen in a lazy uninspired way by the show without any proper buildup. And he’ll have no big

kindly don’t be so insufferable as to insult our military. We have a proud history of military service (need I remind you Canadians were fighting in WWI and WWII YEARS before the americans entered). Peace keeping & humanitarian aid is the bulk of our miltary’s work these days. Our history of military service is not

Ya. He rides on a horse and he chucks beavers at moose. Got to defend the homeland from moose. They can get very violent and trample people to death.

Canada has 300 million paranoid, ignorant, heavily armed rednecks on its southern border. Damn right they need a defense minister.

Actually, the community, a decent amount of which will never experience your store/novel/show because they aren’t particularly interested in it, should be expected to foot the bill. It’s just how these things work, and to claim otherwise is so ridiculous the thought isn’t even worth entertaining.

I’m gonna build a new house using public taxes simply because the house I want to build will look nice and help bring in more property taxes for the area around me and it will employ people to work in and around my house. I deserve to use public money to achieve that. Makes so much sense.

Hell if I know how she got it to work. She was a magician, maybe? I only got blobs when I tried it.

That fridge really tied the room together.

We have one of those cookie shooters too. Every year on cookie baking day someone insists that I bring it, and every year without fail it is a fucking disaster. It NEVER works right, and yet we just cannot admit our failure, apparently.

Truman “Fat Man and Little Boy” Bar Cart Deluxe Edition

What I want is for there to be some college that only uses gadget plays and weird schemes. All the time. It would be a historically terrible program, so it’s all upside (I’m looking at you, Colorado State). Then you get some guru to go nuts. Never punt. Go with insane formations. Randomly pull plays out of a hat. One

I know you said cheap wine, but wine made by a guy in his mother's basement is pushing it, no?

Unless, of course, Pooh is a urophiliac and he's actually playing in a puddle of urine.