

We’ve all had to make a panicked dash to the store to pick up a gift that we forgot we needed until the last minute.

What do people expect? His name is WEINER!

Pretty. But why not both?

Try running into a mountain goat on a narrow path above the tree line. They don't give a fuck about you.

*ahem* four.

Just ahead of getting hit by a car.

#18, bro

You should. I’ve only been to two, and only starting a year ago, and they were AMAZING.

Yeah, that’s practically a crime against humanity. In addition to being a beautiful park, it’s a massively important archaeological site. It’s a World Heritage site for Petes sake. One of only 11 cultural sites in the United States.

Should have worn protection.

He's finding all kinds of ways to profit off his campaign. Trump tower office space. Trump water. Trump books. God only knows what else.

Can’t be that hard to find a Trump stand in...for her to poop on!


The Twitter picture didn’t show up for me, so I had to click through to see what he got.

I initially read that as ‘belichek’

How does it work? Does the dog spritz you using a spray from its ‘nose’, then clean your ass with its ‘tongue’?

Welcome Ashley!

Wow. You could cut his position’s pay to $170,000 (still a hell of a good salary in the middle of Iowa!) and free up $5,000 to pay each player.

Usually, the reader letters are my favorite part. Seeing fans of the team put the team down is fun.