
Unless that identity is getting drunk and angry in the bleachers (which isn’t even living in the past), I don’t think the Cubs have anything on the Bears 85 nostalgia.

Re: pancakes

It’d be embarrassing if the Dixon Dukes lost to Illinois.


Nah, southern white folk of a certain disposition wouldn't go for that.

For some reason, my brain makes it appear his lips and teeth are coated in fresh, warm blood. As though he is a vampire finishing a meal, or just ate a horse’s heart.


Something something something Cthulu R’yleh something

This is the least interesting WYTS yet. Couldn’t read most of it.

What you did there.

My dog saw an ugly kid walk by and started barking.

the Internet is a cruel place.



Or a fat dude in a bikini!

Keep telling yourself that. The rest of us know it sucks.


That sounds fucking horrible.

I want some mother fucking Popeyes now. Thanks Drew.

You have to be a sick fuck to cache your nails like a hunk of chew.