
The enemy of my enemy is still a royal shitbag.

LOL, no.

All of the Democratic women running now aren’t just lacking in charisma, they have negative charisma. The more they appear in media, the less likable they get. Just like the last nominee for the Democrats.
The only Democratic woman with good charisma that is high profile and currently in elected office is AOC.

Now playing

CFL football rules, much like a certain Knibb High School.

90's Braves?

+1? -1?

Yang’s ideas are really hardcore libertarian masquerading as liberal. His idea is to give everyone 12k a year and then do away with almost every government program.

They really are desperate to take down Bernie, desperate and increasingly paranoid.

She sucks

Best show, non-live sporting event category, on ESPN?


No, her profession is politician.  Her day job is Senator from Massachusetts. 

No way is Bernie a second fiddle. That idea of him as VP is a nonstarter. He’s also far more popular and has better ideas than she does. 

No. Ineffective Senator from Massachusetts by way of the Cherokee Nation.

She’s got great ideas but isn’t a very good politician.  Maybe she should just stick to her day job?

I’m sure this is well written and all that, but in the current climate, these types of stories about evil, oligarchic families obtaining even more ill-gotten wealth just breaks my will to live a little more. 

Yea. The right loves to fall for con-men.  The left, less so.

Obama’s term only gets worse in hindsight. 

Keep on keepin’ on, Libby.

Serious question, if she has been here that long, and is married to an American citizen, how is she not a citizen, already?