

Once again, this is why we can’t have nice things.

Reading just about anything about soccer on Deadspin feels like reading a Brit talking about good oral hygiene or an Italian talking about punctuality or a Russian talking about morals and ethics.

Because at its core, Japan is a conservative, backwards place. 

Yes! There it is!

I can’t wait to not vote for Aunt Jemima.

You sound dumb enough that you may drown trying to fight your reflection in water.

Bernie/Biden 2020!

Nah, fuck that noise.

You using the words “my favorite Astoria trattoria” makes me want to find you in NYC and beat you senselessly in front of your family.


This law seems highly constitutionally dubious. 

I think the truth is people are far less moderate and accommodating in their politics than we like to believe. Otherwise ideas like fascism wouldn’t exist. 

Jan Schakowsky would be far more prominent in American politics in a better world.

If you are a “moderate” voter that constantly votes in radical, reactionary types, how moderate are you, really?

Of course Eve and Bari are friends. They’re two awful peas in a festering pod.

You misspelled it:

You misspelled it:

People keep to seem overlooking these fundamental facts, too.

He hits all the right notes. Let’s not overthink this.