
No, dipshit. Voting Republican is precisely the fucking problem. A non-voter would be orders of magnitude better than some idiot voting GOP. This isn’t little league where we all get a participation trophy. I wish I could live in that sunshine world of yours where civic participation is a good onto itself. It isn’t if

Yea, I definitely reacted too harshly.  Something in that post really ticks me off, though.  I can’t quite put my finger on it.  

First off, this idea that everyone has this large community around them, then assuming if they do, they’re non-voters.

Oh fuck off you condescending prick.

Remember when Saban’s daughter was accused of beating the shit out of her sorority sister?

Milk and Honey Original Café Mix is really the rhetorical gift that keeps on giving.

Holy shit I never saw that DJ Durkin quote before, mostly because I have actively avoided reading much about it since one can only withstand so much of the never ending deluge of bad news currently falling upon us like the contents of a chamber pot being dumped from a New Orleans window onto Benjamin Butler’s head,

Now playing

If you’ve never seen Stone Mountain, this is all it is really.

Something (well, more than usual) is rotten in the State of Michigan.

Our continuing interest in what athletes have to say is a marked example in the failure of American society to have any sort of intellectual dialogue whatsoever.

I think the NFL abandoned the blackout rule.  

Yea, but they still won, though.  

And idiots wonder why capitalism is so unpopular, currently.

I use Charles Schwab Bank and it’s awesome.

...said Jared from Subway.

This a post about soccer that has a stupid premise and is needlessly long.  Is Josh Tucker Billy’s new pen name?

Schools are not the entities that should be adjudicating innocence or guilt over criminal matters.

Now I want a Miguel Rojas bobblehead. Thanks Chris! I would settle for a Jose Urena bobblehead, though. 

Bring on the reefer madness, idiots.

I’m confused.  So NOW it’s OK to kink shame?