
Real Betis v. Alaves?

...Sending our love down the well...

Yea. My dad refused to vote for Bernie in the primary even though he really wanted to because of “1972 and McGovern.”

I think it’s because we’re used to having the best. MLB? Best baseball league hands down. NBA? Same for basketball. NFL too, but that’s unfair as no one else plays football like we do.

Shut up about Andrew Jackson.

I live in a city with an MLS team. I hear dipshits all the time talk about how good MLS is and how it’s getting better and all that horseshit. Someone tried to fight me when I correctly pointed out the Mexican league is superior to MLS.

Who coulda guessed one of the all time greats would be very good in a second rate league with third rate players?

I had the EXACT same thoughts, all the way through missing grandparents.  

You seem like either the best or worst guy to hang out with. 

Technically, this is having its intended effect, so it’s more a humanitarian disaster than a political/economic one. This a feature, not a bug in the system.

ATHF is the single greatest show ever.   That’s what it was.

J1 League > MLS > Tebow

I’m guessing by the way they’re wearing shorts and not full pads Landry was pissed about Mitchell full on tackling him and going all out full contact.

Scalia was masking his naked partisanship with that veneer of “originalism.” He changed his opinions/decisions when it would suit his corporate masters.

Remember when people were bitching about the year that celebrities kept dying? Was that 2016? Doesn’t that seem so quaint now?

I feel like Virgil wrote this from the tone and diction.

If Bob Menendez can win in Jersey, why would Connecticut be any different?

This story just makes me want to kill everyone and then myself.
Who cares?  I doubt Stephen Miller gives a shit what his family thinks of him.  I know I couldn’t possibly care less.  

You just FJM’d Hamilton. I would read the shit out of that.

It still was a shitty strategy, though. Someone needed to stand up to Hitler Trump.