
The feds don’t have anywhere close to the manpower or resources available to enforce federal drug laws regarding marijuana in states where the state and local authorities are unwilling to cooperate.

Kevin Love should go sit down with Chris Bosh and talk about Life After Lebron™.

As a Florida alum and Columbus resident, I think there might be something wrong with both Urban’s programs and how OSU hires people.

Not that anyone should punish themselves like I did and read the piece, but did anyone notice what their grand ideas were? Privatizing social security and getting senior citizens to volunteer for stuff.

The announcers were actually remarking how no one was trying and how the games would get more intense as the regular season gets closer.

+1 Ferry Cross the Mersey

Someone covered in tattoos like that just screams, “GREAT DECISION MAKER.”

What about mark ass tricks?

If it’s fourth and two, she will get you three yards every time. If it’s fourth and four, she will get you three yards every time.

I blame Malia and Sasha, millennial Obamas!

Both can be true. You can be an awesome daughter for being so devoted, and still deserve your own vacation.

Who the fuck wants to watch people play video games?

I’ve never heard this before, but goddam it rings true.

I dislike his on air persona.

I’m Burner Colangelo, and this is how Jay Williams can fuck off.

That’s brilliant and awful.

It was all inside jokes and references, so I assume so.  

Iris woulda taken the buyout.

The headline alone of this post is so tedious it made me tired and depressed.