
Go take a look at the number of legal immigrants to the US.  Then look at where they are coming from.  Then see if you still agree with your original statement.


Bot ir Bro? This game is always depressing.

Trump’s going to win anyway, for better or worse.

Hillary secures the Bernie Endorsement (2016 colorized)

That’s not a Bernie bro account.

I tend to agree with everything else but Warren was a democrat when she beat Scott Brown (R) for that senate seat. Juuust sayin’

And these fools had the audacity to boo John Lewis and they still try to brag that “BeRnIe MaRcHeD wItH MLK” like stfu. 

Bernie and a few of these other cartoon characters (I mean seriously look at the two of them) are just buying votes from naive idiots with lies that they can’t keep.

isnt it great we cant say; how much her political baggage and poorly ran campaign didnt help her win an election from a family friend nutcase, with votes from bernie supporters who still get shit from her fucking turd supporters who claim time and again bernie supporters didnt vote for her; because it’s sexist?

go the

Thankfully?? C’mon man, that ain’t what the ROOT wanted. The ROOT wanted a bunch of crackers out there being racist, going nuts and shooting! Isn’t that what the ROOT is all about? Oh, and the ROOT damned sure didn’t want any pictures or video of all those BLACK 2nd Amendment supporters peacefully protesting with

I’m Canadian, and I’ll drag broth of them hard if they expect my countries government to pay their security costs. It’s easy for you to say “Get over it” when there’s no chance of them living on your countries dime.

“Meghan Markle is an American Descendant of Slaves.” Well partly, on her mother’s side, which is more than a technicality given how she self identifies.

“But the couple’s maneuvers also bear the distinct imprint of the historical legacies of AfricanAmerican women’s resistance.”

Sorry dont feel bad for her, she only dates white men and thats cool but if you put yourself in the situation why should the black community care if at 37 Meghan discovered racism exist in the famlies she marries into.

When it comes to stuff like this, keep an eye and ear out for adverbs. Adverbs are designed for ambiguity, used to coax (or convince) the reader/listener into believing the accompanying statements are demonstratable, proven facts when they may or may not be—and usually are not.

One of my first wrestling memories was watching Atlas and Jonhson go against the Wild Samoans in the WWWF. RIP Rocky.

Watching him and Tony Atlas win the titles is something that I won't forget. #RIP 

As a fan there were so many black wrestlers that were embarrassing and stereotypes. Rocky Johnson was not one of them. Thank you Rocky for not just raising The Rock but being a real example for black men in the business that they didn’t have to sell out or step n fechit to make it. 

I agree with everything you just said simply because most of it is what they don’t want us to talk or know about. Especially this: Illegal immigration, something embraced and encouraged by the Democratic Party, hurts the black community more than any other group. Every labor/poverty/economic/health study confirms this.