
He’ll always be short!

But you’re good with the racist, sexist, authritarian MILLIONAIRES still in the race?

Good. Now we can retire that tired talking point about how “money corrupts politics”.

Did they talk about Ben’s habit of sexually assaulting women?

I read “Ben Affleck chokes...” and immediately thought this was going to be a story about his latest sexual assault...

The US has 60+% White population - your number includes “White Hispanic and Latino. Not the same.

Neil Young has a different take:

Many times! Beautiful place - full of hippies and nitwits huffing maple syrup in their underwear but, beautiful scenery.


The important distinction is that Bernie - and Socialist collectively - are liars and con-men.

Stuff it Commie - history knows what Socialism is and all your ignorant revisionism can’t change it.

I love this - all the Bernie Bros are white...

No shit - that and writing it her book.

So, that INTEL report from last week - you remember - the one that EVERY media outlet screamed said Russia is trying to help get Trump elected?

HAHAHAHAHAAHA Donna freaked out for ONE reason - that comment was too close to the truth.

Your disingenuous take ignores the fact that if Obama was white - he NEVER would have won.

an actual, informed discussion of Socialism will result in idiots who think it has an upside will be embarrassed by their own ignorance.

The only thing you need to know is this:

She IS working out a redistricting plan that will eliminate AOC’s seat however.

How has Bernie helped Society?