
Prove Bernie is willing to share - you are talking about a man who has NEVER had a job in his life. When, at the age of 39 he finally realized there weren’t enough people he could con in NYC, he moved to...Burlington, VT?

I don’t know, Feinstein really likes Communists at least - she had one ( a Chines spy no less) driving her car for 20 years

all true - and yet you should substitute “Democrat” for every place you wrote “white” in your comment, in order to accurately describe the scene.

true...and teacher’s unions are all Democrats...as is the board of ed in Montclair, NJ.  As is Essex County in NJ....as is this Supervisor....

Great scene -

Democrats always try to silence those who oppose them...Civil War, lynching, KKK, Jim Crow, fire hoses...and the worst - “Dr. King would be proud of you...”

The largest Democrat County in NJ and this guy is a major Democrat...

The White liberal must see that the Negro needs not only love, but justice. It is not enough to say, “We love Negroes, we have many Negro friends.” They must demand justice for Negroes. Love that does not satisfy justice is no love at all. It is merely a sentimental affection, little more than what one would love


Considering teachers unions are Democrat strongholds and, as demonstrated by this particular guy,school, district and county in NJ - the largest Democrat majority in NJ - I think the answer is pretty clear.

Celebrities ... people surrounded by other people who depend entirely upon making said celeb happy.

According to them - time was when the worst thing you could do to your family’s reputation was become an entertainer - or a politician...

well, I think that if you read/hear that theory and then look at the log, it isn’t hard to believe it, so it doesn’t get challenged.

ha! I did not know that -I thought both BMW and Mercedes built airplane engines and then got into the car biz so the logo was reflecting their history...thanks for the education!

IS there really any RISE of these things?

Because we can’t have little kids reminding everyone of Democrats turning firehoses on black folk and paraphrasing LBJ?

Because we can’t have little kids reminding everyone of Democrats turning firehoses on black folk and paraphrasing LBJ?

I know, right?

However, all the evidence we’ve seen suggests that Biden is more popular with Black folks than is Bernie.

US!  But, its a secret...