
This is the network that reported for nearly 3 years straight that”Trump Colluded” despite every single thing they pointed to falling completely and utterly apart...

Alternate take - celebrities are surrounded by people whose livelihood depends entirely upon that celebrity being “happy”.

How do you feel NOW that the entire story here has been retracted effectively?

I can see that despite your fantasy the reality is that zero evidence has been put forward - Mueller indicted people like Manafort for things that had nothing to do with collusion, Flynn’s case is about to overturned doe to the massive corruption at the FBI and DOJ as described by the IG, Cohen had nothing to do with

So you trust all those “Intelligence” guys who told us Iraq had WMDs, spied on 157 million US citizens phone calls, spied on 4,500 reporters from the AP and elsewhere, spied on Congress, told us a video that only 6 people saw sparked Benghazi...

You missed the part where Putin is interfering in the Democrat Primary in both CNN’s and the NY Times article, huh?

Are you a Democrat?

So true - now let’s find some people wotking for the Russians...haven’t found any yet.

Same reporting from CNN and the NY Times points out that Putin is interfering in the Democratic Primary...

Isn’t that crazy?

Ah the tolerance of Leftists! Such inclusive people...

Bloomber was born in a tree making cookies as everyone knows.

But you just explained that Trump’s economy sucks. You just laid out how terrible it is...

You must be getting your info from that pedophile Paul Krugman because only a syphilitic mind could distort the truth so badly.

Bernie is a charlatan and he is highly dependant upon no one examining his “When I think of Socialism I think of Socialism like they have in Denmark” schtick.

Bernie has to keep moving the goalposts as he now owns as 1 fewer houses than pairs of underwear.

She certainly scalped Doomberg. I had my reservations about her but, she showed she has more savage instincts than the average squaw.

WORSE - Napoleon was not actually short, that was a myth created by his detractors and those who ultimately defeated him.

You forget Bloomberg was term-limited to two terms...and then BOUGHT a 3rd term.

Votes against my own self interest?