haha - i enjoy your willful ignorance and I am looking forward to all the complaining you’ll be doing in November.
haha - i enjoy your willful ignorance and I am looking forward to all the complaining you’ll be doing in November.
FatOldandTired -hmmm, you left out “andHasNoSenseofHumor”.
Pedantic idiot pawns himself - I said he didn’t take the salary - giving it away isn’t “taking “ the salary, He literally has it directed to those charities.
The Brits hate Maeghan not because of racism but, because they’re British and have loathed their own jangly toothed, pasty faced, incest infused countenance since the first Brit caught its reflection in a brackish wading pond...
agreed. Bunch of Germans masquerading as “British” protecting their pedophilia...and history of incest, racism, etc.
On the other hand, Trump takes no salary, reduced the cost of Air Force One & Two and is actually improving the fortunes of every American - starting with the lowest income earners benefiting the most in terms of real wage growth, low inflation, employment at record highs and an actual narrowing of the income gap…
ha - I appreciate that - thank you and have a good day!
This movie is a money-laundering operation - it HAS to be. Doesn’t it?
I really don’t understand transphobes’ devotion to not using someone’s preferred pronouns. It’s literally one of the easiest things to do
Your take on education spending is proven false by the reality of actual school spending - but I don’t blame you because this is a myth perpetuated by those most likely to benefit from it.
Mayor Pete has no appeal - white liberal guilt is the only thing propelling him. He’s gay and that has protected him from scrutiny.
Oh Lordy.
Oh come on -it was better than that and you KNOW it...
That is one of my favs!
Thank you Johnny!
Just ask yourself how rumors like this develop about anyone...start with good looking, in his forties, fitness buff, never married, never with a woman - except the one who just admitted she’s gay, soooo...
Only because its true!
“no Republican understands irony” says the person arguing for reproductive rights by ...ensuring little girl babies will NEVER have that “right”.
Ironic that you just wrote kills and dismembers...being pro infanticide and all.