
The myth that racist democrats “left en masse” to join the party that freed the slaves, enacted the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments, fought every Jim Crow law Democrats ever came up with, wrote and enacted every Civil Rights Law ever passed - until LBJ in the face of two Supreme Court Rulings that made him realize his

The true intent of the original Porsche 911 design...

I don’t watch shows like hers but< i’ve seen enough to know who she is and I’ve also seen enough articles about her struggles with I think can be generally called “mental health”. Based upon that sparse info it seems quite clear to me she is having some very serious mental issues of the “I need medical intervention”

Oh they talk about it.  They like it.

White people getting their asses kicked?

In the real world, Mueller indicted:

Sorry but, what is the difference between a fact and a factoid?

Now who’s stating stuid crap - you can’t read, your comprehension sucks and you flagrantly avoid uncomfortable facts that don’t suit your ignorant narrative.

Mueller had the responsibility of determining the truth of the charges and recommending to his boss what was legally objectionable - it was his actual job.

Well, that would be the predictable response for authoritarian Leftists, now wouldn’t it?

I’m not opining, I just put the full text of Bloomberg’s audio-recorded comments out there for all to read.

The fact that you are so seriously deficient in educating yourself that you have missed several years of testimony to Congress, public admissions of guilt, IG reports and rulings by judges in all this makes it impossible for me to even attempt to satisfy your demand.

Nice way to reinforce your own ignorance, nitwit.

So you don’t actually believe in facts, just your feelings.

1) you talk about Trump running out the clock while ignoring that Pelosi and company rushed Impeachment and conducted it in a way that none other had been (blocking defensive witnesses in the House, etc. - and NOT taking the time to go thru the Courts as needed on subpoenas. This wasn’t a serious effort on bahalf of

Ahh, the retreat of the intellectually bankrupt Leftist fool...

So you are taking the side of prosecutors who just lied to their boss at DOJ then went rogue in the courtroom?

When your employees tell you they think you don’t know what you are doing, shouldn’t be their boss and then try to sabotage your policy (which they are tasked to implement) you fire their asses.

Idiot - the Prosecutor lied to his boss and then went rogue in the court.

He resigned because he lied to his bos then walked into the court and went rogue.