
Get the facts straight Stephen:

“Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops,”

Sooooo, Democrats can’t count caucus voters in Iowa (or get people to turn out for that matter), can’t get people to turn out in New Hampshire and can’t even properly list the actual candidates on a ballot...

So, Leftists have a problem with sex workers now?

They don’t enter U.S. history in 1619 because the history of the U.S began long before that but, I understand you are using the Jamestown Settlement as the jumping off point.

One of the myths that always bothers me is Rosa Parks - she was never the meek litle woman who stood up to racists bigotry by refusing to give up her seat - she was a dedicated activists who re-enacted the actual incident by a brave teenager by the name of Claudette Colvin. The 15-year old black girl who was the first

As a history professor you shouldn’t be promoting another myth - that slavery in North America began in 1619.

Why does Chuck Todd exist?

DavyBoy - you are getting wound up over something I did not say.

Well then I would say to you that Mueller’s redactions - viewed by all legal scholars from both sides were 1) actually pretty minimal and, 2) have been seen by many on both sides from the relevant committees, as well as by the IG who lambasted the FBI and Obama DOJ for their malfeasance.

Abuse of Power:

The OMB has been overuled/had its “rulings” reversed MANY times over the decades and their opinion isn’t legally binding - its opinion.

Trump isn’t confusing or discouraging black voters - he got more of them than recent Republicans just by asking “What have you got to lose?”

Yep - Carville is just crazy

Bloomberg is one of the most hated men in America - he’ll spend a billion dollars and get nowhere.

Sure - because exposing intelligence information is jst something we do...doorknob.

Mueller was this paragon of virtue, integrity and determination - until it turned out all he wanted was a nice bowl of soup.

The Bidens and Bernie are Democrats?

The laughinstock is getting Europeans to align with him on Irans, Korean trade deals, Japanese trade deals, China Trade deals, Mexico/Canada trade deals, Post Brexit trade deals...they are paying more to Nato and the IMF then they did before....

Why do you keep using “fascist” and “Fascism” - Hitler was a Marxist and his “fascism” was an adaptation of Marxism that he saw as superior to all other incarnation of Socialism and Communism (both being Marxist derivatives).