
Serves the Rich - why then did Obama’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, etc. show that under him, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer?

So you are saying it is possible for an Administration to lie? To manipulate government statistics?

I have to come back to the Trump has created 1.4 million jobs fewer than Obama and remind you of something -

You just list all the economic things you rooted FOR when Obama was President!

This is now just you devolving into hysteria - hahah.

You are truly demented - Trump’s approval numbers have grown in every category you just listed - over 50% of the job growth has been women for instance.

What are you even talking about - I just quoted the U.S. government you nitwit.

“Me too”?

Good article.

OK - so I took you economy response seriously - before I read this comment and realized you are math challenged - there are only 320 million or so people in the U.S.

Obama - 8 years. Trump 3.1 years.


Spaceman -your O2 has run low - your delusional take is the exact opposite of reality.

OK - let’s think on that.


non white MAGA are screwed?

The United States has a population of people from more countries, more ethnic backgrounds, practicing more diverse religions openly than any other nation on earth.

While I agree the Constitution is vague, it is also true that Trump has committed no crimes - further, none are alleged in the House Articles.

They keep lying?

How do you get liars to care about the truth?