
You’re going to trust the Democrats who wrote all that Jim Crow oppression to “reverse” it?

Your brilliant analysis is lacking.

Oh fantastic - learning NOTHING from the already terrible NYC experiment - San Fran, a city awash in homeless, crime, human feces covering the sidewalks, is just going to let people out of jail.

More than half of the homeless are black...

Did you forgive Hillary’s bad treatment of Obama?

Glad you were against it - there’s hope for you yet.

Most Indians I know prefer “Indian” to Native American for reasons that should be spectacularly obvious but, like MLK warned, “Beware the white Liberal”.

Yes. He’s been impeached - Big deal.

Isn’t that Grand?

HA!  I did notice - and you are welcome!

Nope. You got it wrong.

First - in response to someone else clarifying my error, Warren’s calim of defeating an incumbant Republican is true. I was distracted by her “in the lat 30 years” statement because she was a Republican until 1995 or 1996. 1990 was 30 years ago.

Come on, how hard is it to come up with snarky nicknames?

hahaha - casual racist. WOW.

Hmmm - not that I support you elitism but, you put your punctuation in the wrong place.


Am I - or am I having fun at the expense of nitwits?

HAHA! You are so binary in your thinking that it is only possible to criticize Warren and point out the facts of what Hillary did to collude with the DNC against Bernie, if and only if, someone is an actual Bernie supporter.