
That’s just further proof that actors are idiots who should not be taken seriously.


Nothing like C’Ville where the clash was about protecting the old Democrat confederacy statues...

Yeah, sure. Tell that to the people at Ruby Ridge.

So true - they don’t know this but guess who protested WITH the @A crowd?

This event has been held on this day for years - and it has never been violent.

To be fair - the Octopodes are buying their soggy Lotuses from Big Squid who are raking in HUGE profits, owing to the facts that their hooks and tentacles are way better at handling tools with precision.

If SQUIDS ruled the earth - they wouldn’t let dolts confuse them with octopodes.

Squid (and the octopus pictured, oddly) say, “Silly bi-pedal prejudice...why would we drive?”

In some alternative universe an article specualting about Squid drivers would confuse them with Octopus and show images of octopus....oh wait...

I can’t believe that statue of MLK - WTF?

Independant - except for taking a shitload of cash, forever, from his family, tax-payers, etc.

I don’t get it. A man finally decides to stop living off his family, make his own money and move himself, his wife and his child out of his grandmother’s house, and somehow his wife is the bad guy!

Do you think they are owed any money or should they go get jobs?

I think most people are much more ready to drag a couple of entitled, wealthy, adult elitists who are trying to rewrite history (Harry) and shirk the responsibilities that come with the institution (Royalty) that he was born into and she knowingly married into.

A powerful white family that is incestuos, pretending to be “English” despite being German and has a long history of virulent anti-Semitism (even collaborating with Hitler.

And none of that makes her Rosa Parks.  Try to stay focused on the context.

Thank you - this effort to now make here inot some sort of Rosa Parks is disengenuous bullshit and it is terribly diminshing to the actual legacies of the actual people who really did fight and sacrifice for advancement.