Why wouldn’t they take aim at her standards?
Why wouldn’t they take aim at her standards?
That’s beautiful. Now you’re a retard with tourrette’s syndrome?
Objectively, Warren is not only a liar but a crook. Not only did she lie about native american heritage, she profitted from it by allowing a law school and her employer to proudly proclaim her minority status to their own government mandated “diversity requirements met” benefit. No one fires that status. Further, her…
I listed the 20 things below and stated that YOUR sources told you none of these things were true going back to July of 2015 (when Trump announced).
You have sources that say Donald Trump is not the actual President of the United States?
Isn’t this par for the course for politicians tho? Clinton said he didn’t have sexual relations with that woman - because blowjobs aren’t sex.
You’re so cynical - there hasn’t been any evidence of anything Trump has been accused of BUT there has been plenty of actual evidence (in Mueller’s report, the IG Report, Comey, Brennan, Page, McCabe’s, etc. testimony) of actual lies and crimes by the intel community.
Dude - Nancy Pelosi has held up USMCA, infrastructure spending, and al the rest of Trump’s campaign initiatives - you want to sue someone? Nancy has a shit-ton of money ...sue her.
Yes - exactly right.
The entire intel community that lied to the FISA court multiple times, lied about spying on Trump, lied about using Hillary’s oppo research as “intel”...and on and on and on.
Yes, he roped them all in....with his opinion.
I’ll do you one better - look at that note. The handwritten one.
You literally just wrote “I have sources I trust. They don’t think you’re right.”
Oh...she’s running for re-election isn’t she?
haha- you’re off the rails now! WTF has climate change to do with any of this?
You seem to think the truth only exists if someone else verifies the sources for you.
HAHAH - I love how you just ignored everything I said you would do - and then went ahead and did exactly that.
WoW! I have criticised her & Harry for their actions but, to you that’s “racism”.
HAHA - I love how you jusst throw that racism charge at everything!