
Long Live The Soul Patrol!

You are so narrow in your focus that no criticism of your sacred cows can be anything other than racism - you can’t imagine any criticism could be legitimate. You remind me of all those Obama defenders crying racism every-time - anytime - he was criticized for something that was plainly worthy of criticism - like

HA! - what a joke!

HA - you are so intent on remaining ignorant that no amount of sourced material will satisfy you.

Now playing

You need to amend your statement “IDK where white men...”

Correct - the Academy is too full of Liberal Democrats.

Considering that the controlling bodies of the various “Arts” are dominated by Liberal Democrats, it isn’t “the system” that’s the problem...its those people...

“...their most troublesome adversary was not the obvious bigot of the Ku Klux Klan or the John Birch Society, but the white liberal...”

I’m not angry they are stepping back - I’m saying they’re hypocrites.

Labels like “People of color” almost diminish us as those very same people of color we are trying to be inclusive with are doing the very things we chastise white people for. Stealing how we act, dress and talk along with marginalizing us and being just as racist as white people towards us. This is why we as a people

Well, being eclipsed as the single largest minority in America - - in this very year - - by Hispanics menas you gotta be “more inclusive”!

Now playing

HAHA - I love that you view the truth as a “malicious mindset” - you are a ridiculously uncritical person. What a cartoon!

Hmmm, considering the Trump Administration has done more for the Black Community than the previous 3 administrations combined - from prison reform, employment, wages, justice reform, shrinking income inequality, etc. maybe you should spend a little more energy scrutinizing Democratic Party motivations here.

“Communities of color” - I love that. Has a nice ring to it.

I love Lefty projection!

I’m not saying Trump has been a panacea for those workers but he has actively reversed course and those segments have stopped declining. They are also no longer the punching bags Obama/Biden and then Hillary made them.

Not denying the racist Brits angle here but, she also married into it. Ironically, the Royal family are a bunch of murderous, inbred Krauts pretending to be “English” so the British people get what they deserve anyway.

No - I’m not expecting them to take all the abuse, even if I consider the abuse they’re a couple of pussies for letting it “hurt” them. Just look at all the abuse other famous people endure without chickening out.

Nope she isn’t. She also shouldn’t to sign up for Royal duties that come with enormous financial largess, then reject the duties and still expect to get paid.

Fair enough.