
Warren isn’t “progressive” she’s a socialist pretending to be a capitalist.

Are you obtuse or diengenuous?

Stop being stupid - acting is not in anyway as difficult as the jobs that drive the economy, so stop making false equivalencies.

I agree that politics is corrupting - anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. My own father’s generation held , as core beliefs, that the two most devestaing things you could do to your family’s reputation was to become either an entertainer...or a politician, ha.

Tell that to people who are feeding their families - the fact is that those industry reversed a decline and grew modestly. No federal money was pumped in, they grew production.

Big difference in pointing out, with a joke pic - that Democrats are supporting Iran (Iran nuclear deal, we shouldn’t have shot salamai, Trump’s provoking a war, we’re going to restrict his war powers!) - and Omar saying “some people did something on 9/11", supporting BDS (which calls for the elimination of Israel in

OMG - you have been saying Trump becomes more unhinged everyday and the “insert Democrat tom-foolery of the day here - will send him over the edge” for 3 years.

I love how you phrase this “photoshopped image of...”

Did you tell Obama? He and McCain pledged to take only the federal - limited - funds - then Obama got a shit on of cash and waived that restriction away.

That is a strange take you’ve got there.

I always find it interesting that when the “lack of diversity” issue comes up, it is only after a black person leaves the field - - I guess 2 women, 2 Jews, 1 gay guy, 1 Samoan - who is also a Hindu and a woman just don’t count as “diversity”.

GOP is shovelling a fuck-ton of small donations.

Remember when Obama and McCain both said they wouldn’t take any donor money...then Obama pretended he never said it but McCain stuck to his pledge?

Please - it isn’t the money, no one wants him.

To be fair - and everything you said is correct - people who enter politics are almost always corrupt. They’re looking for power because they don’t have enough of it in thier own minds.

And Rosario Dawson will be dropping thei beard relationship in 3,2,1...

1) She’s an actress - that makes her a fame whore. You wanna act? You can do that in your bedroom. If you want to do it for other people, you’re doing it for ego. Hollywood? Oh that’s ego, fame and money.

“An American career woman”?

Yes, she was already famous when she married and institution that comes with a fuck-ton or strings. And since she was an adult, she knew what she was getting into - so I have ZERO sympathy.