
Here’s an idea - don’t marry a royal. You’re marrying an institution, not just a person.

Ooo enlighten me more with your wisdom...

Cut the crap - the Sovereign Grant is oly part of teh deal or have you learned nothing from previous royal defections?

I am 100% with you on the Royals but, you don’t think she’s an entitled little twit who wants to be rich and famous and a princess and not have to do anything or let anyone make her sad?

I’m not saying black people don’t have issues but, get serious. Merkle is an entitled little bitch who wants fame and fortune and to be a princess - but she was was by people and in a culture that never gave her any consequences.

I agree with the “moldy British” sentiment but frankly, they all - every murderous royal family should get the Czar Nicholas treatment.

Big deal. Al kinds of people have been called thugs since the invention of the word.

HAHAH - you people really have learned nothing from being wrong for so long about so much.

Verbal abuse no longer qualifies as “pacifism”. You’re being a bully.

The reaality of how Elections work under the Constitution...

That’s a great take - you might want to ask yourself why it has been so easy for Trump to disassemble Obama’s “achievements”.

Nope. I don’t have to prove shit. I told you the reality, YOU go verify it.

The Real Clear Politics average of all polls.

The GOP is in power in the Senate and White House but not in the origina of laws, the House of Representatives.

Specificall, I was reffering to 12/10/& 12/11 2019 - the day Democrats announced Articles of Impeachment against Trump and the day after.

And in all this time, you haven’t bothered to tryand search them out yourself have you?

Sure because bringing in the guy who implemented disastrous policies that are - out of necessity - being corrected should be avoided?

This from a guy who supports infanticide, eugenicist racial population control & selling baby body parts?

I had some time on my hands because I am way ahead this month re my work requirements - everything in your guess is completely wrong.