
For the same reason there are hate crime laws, hiring practices that inflate the representation of minority groups (also in college admissions).  The same reason there is a House representing the people and a Senate representing the States.  The same reason there are three CO-EQUAL branches of government and the same

Correct - people that think the Electoral College is bad are the same people making the argument for hiring practices that inflate racia, ethnic, religious representation in order to protect those that don’t have strength of numbers.

In YOUR world, the sources would be cited and then you would impune the source.

Here all the time and I’ve been responding - so far, you contribution is to attempt a Jedi-Mind trick...”Thes aren’t the demonstrable facts, you looking for”

Because....? The actual facts can be ... what? Disputed?

Sure - none of those things happened.

Lizzo is obese and that isn’t healthy but, that doesn’t give call for some celeb fitness guru to call her out personally.

Alternative take: stop playing the victim and voting for Democrats. Democrats have promised you everything since 1964 - and given you nothing.

Ah yes, the pro-infanticide, baby body part selling champion of women’s health contingent has weighed in!

HAHA I love it.

Oh well, I can see your confusion...

I’m totally happy poking dopes in the eye and reminding them of how stupefyingly wrong they have been for the last almost 5 years.

Is that those Ukraine guys getting Schiff to ask for dirt on Trump?  Those guys are great.

Ahh Sir...you wounded me with you Rapier wit!

Ah the old Democratic playbook “INSERT NAME HERE is a racist sexist homophobic...”.

Oh man - I just how stubbornly you Leftist loons cling to debunked facts. What did Obama call it?

What a lot of words to desribe your hurt feelings but no refutation of the facts.

You are hysterical in your ponderous ignorance.

Still with Russia? The place Obama & Hillary both said - before the elcetion - couldn’t effect our election?

You called me crazy in 2016 too. And when I said Mueller would come up with nothing.