
Oh bobetty - I know you grew up being told you’re special just like everyone else, getting As for “effort and handed participation trophies but that isn’t how the real world works.

That’s it? That was your big “I’ll put this guy in his place” move?

Oh Murray - why HAVEN’T you seen those numbers?

Obama barely met with the press when he was IN office and he spent all of that time blaming Bush for the economy.

What is it that should be re-evaluated?

Except Trump’s number are already higher than Obama’s.

Yes, you Democrats are always offended by success. China is sucking wind, the EU is spluttering, Mexico and Canada capitulated, ISIS is wiped out for all practical purposes and Iran just shot blanks after having one of their top terrorists killed by Trump.

I love Democrats always cheering for Republicans to get into war. Just like they always cheer for the economy to tank.

Let’s meet here after the 2020 election. I guarentee you Democrats lose the House.

I was being euphamistic - more like a “shadow ban” ha.

Sigh...the myth of the Southern Strategy, the Dixiecrats..and lets add “The Party Switch” for good measure, is some of the greatest propaganda Democrats have ever pulled off.

BAH! - You’re missing the whole point!


She can withold them all she wants - there isn’t an actual Impeachment until she presents them in the well of the Senate.

You are probably unaware of the fact the there are THREE Co-equal Branches of government.

does anything prevent the House from adding new articles of impeachment based on the new evidence?

What tug-of-war?

Kinda like Bernie endorsing Hillary...

and I hope you’re not ignoring that most of those “white people” bitching about MLK were Democrats.

This is as true as the fact that Cory Booker is a pickle-puffer.