Greta is a public figure who has chosen (or more likely was manipulated by her parents,etc. ) to take to the world stage to -specifacally scold world leaders.
Greta is a public figure who has chosen (or more likely was manipulated by her parents,etc. ) to take to the world stage to -specifacally scold world leaders.
Yes, so inept in his creation of the best economy on every measure and for every segment of the workforce in more than 50 years.
The same world where Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler have said the President was GUILTY before they even heard any testimony I guess.
So true...oh yes.
nope - he’s enjoying the demise of the Democratic Party
God how I love the insane delusions of the Left.
huh, she is mentally disabled and her parents took advantage of that to work her into a lather and sell her to sycophantic vampires for their own gratification...but, Trump is the problem here.
Trump mocked Time’s “Person of the Year” whom Leftist nitwits have elected as the leading authority on Climate Change....despite the fact that she is a mentally defective teenager who doesn’t have a clue.
I’m sorry but, how does this corrupt asshole still have a job?
You convenient left off HALF of that quote, the part that concluded “for a reasonably intelligent person”.
After Smallville, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage etc., is it just me that is finding it increasingly hard to watch Superheros in these stupidly absurd costumes?
Feminists killed Feminism - not the internet.
What did they fumble? They hired one of the guys he worked out with!
Kaep’s a douche and the NFL doesn’t owe him a thing. The NFL is a private company - just like social media platforms - and they can ban/fire/dump anyone they want for any reason they want.
All those players are insanely wealthy and can pay for all that shit themselves.
I hear this “exercising his free speech” BS from all the same people that will reflexively say “Facebook/twitter/Yahoo!/tick-toc, etc. is a private company! They can ban whomever they want for any reason they want!
Thank God - hopefully Kaep will just go away for good.
Of course, Thanos was an there’s that.