Here’s some truth - he’s is infinitely more successful than you could possibly even dream of being.
Here’s some truth - he’s is infinitely more successful than you could possibly even dream of being.
You don’t think he saw those people stop the ultimate bureaucrat attempting to save the universe from Human caused Climate Change by reducing the population?
It would be more accurate to say this is Trump reaching out to the enviromentalist wacko/climate change fanatics crowd...
ask Adam Schiff...
She might get jail time.
Who knew people would die in concentration camps?
Alternate take -Doctors Without Borders went to....the U.S. border...when they obviously should have gone into Mexico to do this work.
See, you imagined what I said, then claimed to quote me as proof of what you imagined is a me contradicting myself. You did it in two specific instances.
Original Recipie...
HA - so true! I think they were hiring jockeys to drive them in those road rally’s back then!
cannot stand that he does not yet have dictatorial powers.
I love how much the Left has thrown in with the very people they were tar & feathering over WMD’s 5 minutes ago...
Was he though?
Maxine making faces is the most serious thing any Democrat has done since 2016.
All Democrat candidates need to know about black voters is that your losing them.
HA - agreed regulations, etc. but that is only part of it.
EVERY car model gets fatter with each iteration.