Like Glabal Warming advocates buying beach-front property - or selling carbon credits -?
Like Glabal Warming advocates buying beach-front property - or selling carbon credits -?
No - it isn’t GOTCHA - it is just the exact kind of predictable that so many people tried to pretend WASN’T.
I just think it is funny that wealthy black 1%’s are just like everyone else - they don’t want to be around their own people.
Agreed - this is very noteworthy as a finding and gives clear direction for specific paths of study. We have correlation, now we need to determine the factual evidence for - or against - causation (the latter would still likely lead to a refined target to pursue.
If you believed all that you could make zero complaints about how Trump got his money. He obviously worked hard for everything - he put in the work.
This is one of those studies that is extremely important but, also ripe for mis-interpretation so some facts about the study, for everyone’s benefite:
They hand resumes like that out for cozying up to power - as Kamala did with Willie Brown for years. He in turn used his considerable influence to get her into the highest levels of California State government. If you think she got there by virtue of hard work - you really don’t know anything about Kamala’s history.
Man you sure do have a LOT of excusesCD.
oh played the race card but, you didn’t put your back into it like you usually do.
I see - and I respect that you actually do have reasons. Most people “like” / “support” candidattes and can’t name one damned thing specifically.
She does not have the reputation for being hard-working, in fact it is just the opposite. Her handling of California voter support is pointed to by DNC analysts as “lazy”.
haha - that was an excellent comment, kudos.
You are? OK
shhhhh...CD has nothing but victimhood to offer....let the poor nitwit have it.
Yeah - because Kamala and Booker being in the race was going to unseat Trump!
I love this Trump/Russia meme.
If you can’t afford your kids - stop having them.
Man, you sure do love the victim card. Why is it you believe black people are so weak anyway?
You are out of touch - we don’t have 30 years - hell, Gore told us we only had 10 years waaay back.
You are correct that Booker is gay and cannot tell his friends.