
The fact that so many black people vote Democrat has already proven the gullability factor.

Nothing convoluted - her tenure was an actual record of reasons not to elect her.

Like “high cheekbones” and publishing a book called “POW WOW CHOW” makes one an Indian...

Steyer, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Delaney will all be out soon...

So what you are saying is, successful people are the only ones left.

Have you ever noticed how EVERY single financial report (Jobs Reports/Earnings Reports, etc.) always contain the phrase “...than expected.”?

Tell us, oh wise one, why was “The historic President”...”historic”?

Yep.  When Booker goes out that will be TWO black women who left the race....

Well, one adult, Donald Trump, HAS been asking black folks in particular why they’ve been voting for Democrats when the results have been so terrible.

Democrats take us for granted exactly because they know they’re the lesser of two evils.

She was in the running PRECISELY because she looks a lot like people like you...

Wait - you literally just described Hunter Biden.  and Bill Clinton...

You are making an argument that no one should benefit from your insight and thereby avoid the same mistake.  Telling people what’s wrong is the right thing to do - and happens all the time.

What the fuck?  Kamala Harris sucked, plain and simple.  She had nothing to offer and no one wanted her.  No one to blame but Kamala herself.

Oh please - Kamala sucks - and I don’t just mean Willie Brown’s cock.  No one wants her as President.  Get over it.

that I am suspending my campaign today,” she wrote. “But I want to be clear with you: I am still very much in this fight.”

How do you account for Hillary Clinton staying married to Bill?

For reference, just examine the “marriage” of Bill & Hillary Clinton...

You realize that these two are just Bill and Hillary Clinton 2.0 don’t you?

No one needs to burn Joe Biden - the man has, quite literally, been wrong about every single thing in his entire political career.