
Something to remember:

Except she altered testimony documents to get Flynn indicted and Strozk is part of a failed coup.

Lisa Page is a sloppy, treasonous cunt and a homewrecker.

No, they just don’t want to get any shit from ill-informed jibbering idiots like you.  They let thier vote do the talking.

“poor woman”?

To be fair, Steadman does this almost every damned day.

Lisa Page wants Donald Trump to leave her alone?

Excuse me but, this is an absolute, perfect, example of living in a delusion and calling it “reality”.

hahaha-, you LOVED “The CULT” when it was Obama’s!

Remember when Obama said “IF Congress won’t act, I will!”?

There are so many it is hard to keep up, isn’t it? Shit, the Republicans had 16 in in 2016 and I’m not even sure anymore how many MORE Democrats there are now - ha.

When the Democrats went all in on identity politics they created a self-realizing nighmare:

I know it fashionable to hate Trump but, the reality is that the man has done more for minorities than any President in decades.

My only question is why has it taken you THIS LONG to figure out Booty-judge is a liar? It has been obvious from the start.

I love this delusion - that Republicans are in any way panicked.

Ryan & Cantor were never “conservative” they were RINOs and eventually paid the price.

The only thing the Left hates more than itself is when a woman doesn’t comform to Lefty ideas of what makes a legitimate woman, or a black person or any number of other “identities” authoritarian Leftists demand on-dimensional conformity from.


Democrat men support abortion so they can have unprotected sex without consequence.

You just described the Democratic Party.