
You learned nothing - Nixon actually did something illegal. 

Sondland - who admitted he doens’t take notes said he asked the President what the President wanted from Ukraine - “I don’t want anything!” was Trump’s reply, according to Sundland.

Also, Disney+ doesn’t ask you to “re-enter new password”.

Depends on the TV but yes, a lag. I just forced the isue by going directly into my TV and recreating the password reset.

It is the same for every Clinton book - the whole thing is a bi-partisan scam.

Book deals ( & sales) for political figures have nothing to do with selling books.

The NFL is a private company.

Every mass shooters was a right wing extremists?

Oh, I’m just taking my que from all the Leftist loons who attack and wish death upon everyone they disagree wit...remember that Covington kid and the phony Indian? Remember the Kavanaugh insanity? All the people wishing death on Trump? Republicans...etc....the Democrat who shot Steve Scalise?

Did the Atlantic tell you about the anti-corruption treaty between the US and Ukraine - that gets invoked by the simple request of one leader to the other?

You keep hanging on to you fantasies Adam...

Yeah...I remember when Republicans accused Democrats of Slavery...and lynching...and firehosing black people...

Oh man - you are hysterical. Nothing you just wrote is tethered to reality in any way - hahah

Today was the day the Dems “BOMBSHELLS!” would be discussed and diagnosed all day in the media...

Step 1: lax lending laws (due to deregulation) allowed mortgage bankers to give loans to people who had no business taking out said loans.

what a load of crap - who the fuck caused the Great Recession? Financial Advisors. Housing crash? FINANCIAL ADVISORS.

and who is on the hook for all the damage financial advisors do?

sure dude - that’s why wall streeters get rich while everyday americans go broke, lose their pensions to bad investments, etc. everyday.

i’m a financial adviser, and if i were to do wrong by my clients I would be punished. it wouldn’t matter whether it was intentional or not

Let’s make another thing clear: