
No dumbass.

No dumbass.

HAhA - yeah Doofus did make a public statement- and showed himself to be...a baseball player.

You live your life in a selfish delusion where you think YOU are what the world was designed to accomodate.

Can this fame-whore, Snowflake make up her mind?

Minnesota and New Jersey? Hubert Humphrey - the guy who sparked the outrage of the 35 Southern Democrats who then formed the Dixiecrats...was from Minnesota.  New Jersey hardly seems a likely place for Dixiecrats either.

You do know that elected members of the House are called “Representatives” right?

So Pelosi said we can’t have an impeachment that isn’t bipartisan...

voting for self preservation...or as we like to call it in a Representative Republic...actually representing his constituents...

The smart ones.

IF you are really so tall that the reclined seat - designed to recline - is crunching your knees, you’re going to tap me on the shoulder and let me know the problem.

Yes they do. I caught some asshole doing that to my seat - I travel every week - when they went to the bathroom, I pulled it out and buried it inside the meal they had just ordered.

You made two great points here by example.

So true - but you can refine it by looking at the origin of Ebola -Liberia. A nation created by former American slaves who wanted to “return”. It was funded & supported by the very Republicans who had freed them from the clutches of Democrats/

If you do copy & paste I will wholeheartedly support you and claim the whole idea was yours in the first place - ha!

Nah Jay...what is now CLEAR?

No - it amounts to actual murder by ChineseCommunists, medical experimentation on Muslims...by ChineseCommunists...free speech, liberty...all that...


They aren’t “Stuck between a rock and a hard place” they’re just greedy and full of shit.

On the one hand you have NBA woke warriors mumbling about how bad they have it being multi-millionaires in America, taking a knee, etc...