
Oddly enough, it was Jeopardy’s sister show.

No, it was your comment that was unnecessary, bringing up his personal scandal for no reason. You said he “also” didn’t run because of that, as if that was an equal reason why he didn’t run. But he *couldn’t* run due to his birth. So it was never something that he was going to attempt.

Armada was so bad it traveled backwards in time to retroactively remove any good will I had from enjoying Ready Player One. I read Armada, and it kept getting weirder and worse and I kept think it would somehow improve and then it just ended.

Can’t be worse than Armada. One of the worst “Sci-fi” books of the last 8 years. See also: Odyssey One (or something. I tuned it out it was so bad)

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The Christmas Miracle Known as the Midseason Finale Special Edition

Is there any worse place to be hungover than IKEA?

He didn’t claim to be “bullied”. That’s your own overwrought interpretation of a not particularly angst-ridden article.

No, he saw a game with an issue about how it approaches difficulty, and then used that as a prompt to address how bad difficulty sliders/choices are as a whole. Some people don’t want games to be super hard and Wolfenstein 2 is just contributing to the bad implication that people who like easy games are losers.

These two sentences do not belong together:

Before I had boy children of my own, I’d have been with you.

Ken is rated too high.

No sarcasm intended: me too.

No sarcasm intended....

We’re not voting on best murderer.

Seriously, it’s like he didn’t even get the straight guy newsletter about the mixer at the barn.

weird the rest of us fucked Bob Taft (Senior) in that barn don’t know how you missed out

I went to public schools (not in ATL, in a different Southern city) with low budgets and test scores that could have been higher. At the end of the day, my middle-class parents were still putting away a college fund for me, and I still worked hard and took the toughest classes available. The money and norms at home

Could not disagree with this more. We live in the city of Atlanta, send our kids to the public school and love it. I bike to work, my wife walks the kids to school. We have a smaller house but a decent yard and great neighbors. The traffic out to the burbs would figuratively kill me. The perception of the suburbanites

I have a gaming laptop - I wouldn’t want to balance it on my lap or try gaming with the battery too long.

I was trying to be light-hearted, but your comments are valid.

You left out the part where you want to blow your brains out due to commuting from the ATL suburbs every day.