
Emulation on a PC (or phone, or whatever) uses a program to replicate the relationship between the game and the hardware, while this uses a specialized chip to replicate the hardware. It’s technically emulation, but on the hardware level rather than a software level. It’s also potentially much more accurate and faster

So you know how roms are all over the internet? Those originally came from actual cartridges. With the right adapter and program you can take the actual code off of an nes cartridge and put that code onto an sd card.

It uses programmable chips to emulate/recreate the original snes chips. Basically it’s not emulating the hardware via software, but by actually using hardware that behaves 100% like the original.
This means that glitches, graphical bugs, video output will be authentic to the playing the games on the original console.

Most (if not all) of the patents around the SNES are now expired, and this includes no copyrighted software.

Pardon me, but this entire digression borders on insane. Here’s a handy guide for anyone who is debating whether they should coast downhill or leave their car in gear

Bad analogy. No one’s making you wait in line. If you heard that a game is going to give you random drops and you don’t like it just don’t buy it for f*ck’s sake, no one is taking that choice away from you. Why gamers have to make a big deal of the stupidiest things?

As someone who just spent two years working on a franchise that used to rely on expansion packs, sadly not enough people buy them anymore. At the same time mystery boxes sell like hotcakes.

Make visual customization options that don’t effect game play and can be bought out right. IE: Make a cool looking outfit and charge 2.99 and not 1.99 for a minuscule chance to get it from a loot crate.

True, but if we manage to educate enough people, perhaps such tactics will no longer maximize their profits.

That’s not going to happen - you’re cooking it.

He knew where the avalanche debris zone was. He just couldn’t pinpoint her exact location under it. She had an avalanche transceiver, but it was switched off and stowed in her pack, since they were still on approach. That’s not a great idea, but I admit I’ve done the same thing many times. Fucking horrible story.

Typical Deadspin. Nobody appreciates the gravity of this story. Least of all Perkins or Kennedy.

Ugh. I respect the game, but this one just didn’t land for me.

I don’t understand. How did Kennedy know where Perkins’ body was located?

“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”

I mean, at least UEFA is trying. 10 match bans and closed door matches are orders of magnitude more progressive than anything we’ll ever see from the NFL.

If you paid $60 for the privilege of going to a cafe were you have the option to enter a raffle for different coffee cup colors and you reacted by screaming about how you’re being forced to spend extra money . . . then yes, you’d be a toxic consumer advocate.

There’s this certain toxic Hyper-Consumer attitude that permeates gaming. This self-aggrandizing view peddled by “consumer advocate” YouTubers convincing people who identify themselves as capital ‘C’ Consumers that they and their opinions are the most important things on the planet by virture of spending money. Their

Now playing

Jim Sterling has called out the “$60 selling price isn’t enough to cover the cost of making video games” as the bullshit it is.

I mean, I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this (I also don’t know why people dance around making this point): If you support Donald Trump, you’re a bad person.