
Without the files, how would we know if there was government abuse.

i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded

As a smoker let me be the first to say to all vapors fuck you. You sucking on your douchepen all day like you are fucking Bilbo Baggins in the shire blowing that shitty febreeze smelling crap all over the place. Go outside and smoke like a normal person you look like an arrogant douchebag sucking on that thing.

I was Infantry, so you can guess how well behaved my Soldiers were.

The entire fuselage is a single pressure vessel. The air pressure in the cargo hold is the same as in the main cabin.

“Just kill me”

Exhibit C is the origin story of Dick-Butt!

I’m not going to complain about esports showing up on Deadspin.

but he needed an owner or a coach to step in and take that decision away from him

I love sports where the results often hinge on a technicality and you need people to explain to you who won.

How is “cuck” a portmanteau of cuckold and conservative and not just an abbreviation of cuckold?

If their odds of keeping their pick are greater if they are 3rd worst instead of second, isn’t winning a game a good thing?

Yeah, but what’s weird is that the reddit post mentioned Canada pretty clearly so I don’t see how he fucked it up.

These are both subpar takes.

How about Rom’s effort all game was subpar, as was his decision making. When his first touch is crap and he’s having trouble creating changes, he should be making up for that with effort. He wasn’t giving enough when there was a game to win and it doesn’t matter if you’re Zi-fucking-dane if you’re not trying, let

That’s why multiplayers suck!

8 years at UK. 6 Elite 8's. 4 Finale 4's. 2 title games. 1 championship. I’m not a UK fan (UNC actually) so I may not be the best person to ask, but that is about as good an eight year stretch as you can put together in modern college basketball. If a few games go differently they have 3 titles in that span, not 1.

I think you just plagiarized a quotation typically attributed to Alexander Hamilton.

No, it simply gets classified as too casual for the stuffy corporation. You are a moron and are lowering the reputation of all morons with your stupid opinions.