
if i’m eating shit wouldn’t i be compost? are you always this angry?

I mean maybe he’s upset AD didn’t act like a giant asshole

Haha it’s funny because people rape housekeepers all the time

Shame you spent all that time looking up nutritional facts rather than reading his comment.

If he loses again he’s done as a national figure until he wins a statewide race in TX (which is probably never). His window to run for POTUS (and thus to build his post-run career) is pretty limited as a Democrat from Texas.

The data dispute your hypothesis:

Nah, the data show NFL players are arrested for all crimes, including domestic abuse at lower rates than the population at large:

Glad to have you back.

Does Martin O’Malley become President?

The liver and kidneys are filters, not storage tanks. They do the work to get separate the bad shit from the good and get the bad out.

Yes, let’s ban everything adults enjoy rather than demand parents assume responsibility for their kids. If my son gets access to my credit card and buys some dumb shit, that’s on me, not the company that sold it to him.

I’m not sure specifically about Apex, but many lootbox items from other games can be sold for actual money.

Isn’t the counterargument the same? I can’t handle my [liquor/cigarettes/drugs/gambling/sex] so nobody else should be allowed access.

It’s his stick smashing into the top of the glass that causes the break, not the intensity of the hit. The glass is built to flex when hit flush, but when it takes an acute impact to a weak point...blamo (sorry for the technical language).

Nintendo’s stock is going to take a huge hit when their President kidnaps the VP for Marketing Jane Peach.

What time is the mass suicide? 

Ramos deserved the card, but proper ire here is for the Girona player’s shameless embellishment you seem to laud.

Love Ryukhar. If you haven’t, go watch his Trump jump series. Less for the mario gameplay (though that’s good as always) and more for his extremely careful dance around politics.

Yes, but George Allen had a fucking noose in his office when he was Governor of Virginia.

Playing no D makes it easier, not harder to rack up a triple double.