
Billy is a bitter Arsenal fan who can’t praise Tottenham or any of their players without qualification, that’s what’s a play not racial bias. That said, comments about how industrious Son is are at least somewhat based in the stereotype of Asians being “hard working.”

I don’t get why you’re taking the ramblings of a six-year-old seriously.

In more shocking news, Davide Astore, Fiorentina captain, died in his sleep last night at 31.

Anyone else getting cancerous popups from deadspin when using Chrome on an iPhone? Or, put another way, anyone else win a $1,000 Amazon gift card?

So I’m 70% (?) through FF IX and deciding what’s next. I never got into VIII when it came out, time to give it a new look? Or to address some of the 2017 gems I didn’t get to (Nier in particular)?

I’m not saying I want him to be President or that I think he’d be good at it or support things I care about, but I think he could be an incredible candidate capable of winning the Presidency as an independent.

So you would allow fights to the death then? Fighters know what they’re getting into, after all.

There are fewer than 1,000 black men playing in the NFL. There are 21.5 million black men. Ending the NFL is not going to affect the economic prospects of black men. Try again.

I think it’s in part an acknowledgement that any precise game clock is a fiction.

PC version (released 2014) is currently 66% off on Steam ($5.09).

He’s giving away a ton of size. Not sure his ferocity overcomes six inches and 40 pounds.

This is not the cleaning problem parents of teenage boys could most use assistance with.

No Pegulas? The Sabres and the Bills have been hot garbage the entire time the Pegulas have owned them. And if the Pegulas hadn’t bought the Bills, maybe Trump would have and we’d not be in this mess.

If you think you hate them, the teachers hate them so much more. It’s just like work, only unpaid and instead of telling little Johnny Fucknuts to put his dick away and solve for X, they have to tell Mr. and Mrs. Fucknuts what a lovely kid Johnny is, though he probably won’t be getting into Cornell.

Even if we were voting on best NFL superstar murderer he wouldn’t win.

I for one enjoy as these chickens return to roost. The NFL and Goodell worked incredibly hard to convince the sports media that Americans were interested in NFL news 24/7/365, culminating in the NFL network. Of course, once the media discovered there was such an audience, they were obligated to continue feeding it

Is Curt Schilling not eligible?

Their API is screwed up. There are scores of LA Theaters that accept MP. All Regal Cinemas for one.

Plainly false, I’ve seen the same movie several times. You can see one movie/day, it can be the same movie.

There was briefly in a terms update a line that you could only see a movie once but the rescinded it as they meant you can only go to one movie per day.