I’m gonna go ahead and say that sanitation workers say rude things to bystanders (women) 100x more often than the converse.
I’m gonna go ahead and say that sanitation workers say rude things to bystanders (women) 100x more often than the converse.
No, that analogy makes sense, the cooks are the ones who make the food you eat at the restaurant. The troops have literally fuck all to do with the anthem or the NFL.
He’s literally not worked on it in more than a decade. And in HS he got by on athleticism alone and was facing bums who couldn’t throw 70.
You going to invent electricity conducting rubber too?
If you’re too busy to take on a second job, don’t take on a second job. Doing it poorly (and hurting your brand) is not the correct answer.
Now imagine if you’re also a sports fan. And/or a parent.
Wow, really impressive that Apogee had a unifying lore.
Wait what? I had no idea Commander Keen had anything to do with this. Is he also related to Agent 006½ and Duke Nukem? What about Cosmo?
But does it sous vide?
If only there were some other way for the government to find $70 million to support our public parks. Oh well.
This guy late stage capitalisms well.
This is a terrific framework for describing a lot of elements of different games, one I’d probably understood at some level (Preston Garvey will remind me of it if nothing else) but nonetheless seeing it spelled out so clearly is great. Use it more! (when appropriate)
Boo hoo my teams haven’t won a title since 2011 and 2003 respectively so I think that means I’m in “sports purgatory” because I don’t know what words mean.
This actually makes me interested in a Switch. Having to spend another $70-$100 on controllers did not appeal but if I can use my Wavebird, the game has changed.
I can’t wait for that HBO show Confederates to drop so you can claim that show is all about white supremacy too.
The only whining comes from your whining about how sad you are that people don’t think racist jokes are that funny any more. You’re the one making this about Trump, it’s actually about people trying not to be totally shitty to other people. What a horrible life you lead that you’re upset because people are more…
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the transcript. I would MUCH rather prefer to read a podcast than listen to it, particularly those using the megaphone platform which is horrible for finding specific points in a podcast. And of course it took me less than five minutes to read, much less time (I’m guessing) than it…
But where will I get my fetch quest fix?
Jim Sterling did a video addressing your points that I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on. The tl/dw is:
Games today don’t cost $60, they cost $100 after DLCs and gold editions. That’s before microtransaction. Used to be you got the full game for $60, now you get access to the game world for $60, if you want the…
The small tidbit you don’t want to acknowledge is that when studied, there is NO EVIDENCE PIRACY LEADS TO LOST SALES. There was even an article about this on this site.