That’s not what his minor league K/BB rates show.
That’s not what his minor league K/BB rates show.
Three of the 12 are currently living in CA, one of whom is active duty military, so it’s not really his choice to be living there. Two of twelve from the most populous state in the country is not bias. There aren’t nearly as many military bases in the “northern states” and as you can see, the list draws heavily from…
It’s not a lynching if they have it coming. That word has a specific meaning and it isn’t for when you get what you deserve.
He’s just inexperienced and doesn’t know that you should try not to shoot your own dick.
All of Oakland smells like weed but of course they’re singling out the black man’s dressing room.
Now write 5,000 words on why Tottenham won nothing and have everything to show for it.
Sounds a lot like the earlier column about the Warriors. In that sense Madrid=Math as well.
If you have a choice between two things and you choose the thing that disadvantages you, that’s not unfair, you just make poor choices.
I’m sorry to hear that about your deductive skills.
Well, if you think that’s what I’m saying, you continue to provide evidence for that which you dispute.
That unfair advantage was patched out a month ago. Also there’s little unfair about a setting that’s available to all players.
On cars, certainly any car w/ lit tail lights has been driven. But you can exit a vehicle while it is still moving VERY SLOWLY and the car will come to a stop with no tail lights lit.
Given that the slider about which you are raging was patched out a month ago, attaching your rant to this article about this [again, early access] game is evidence to the contrary.
Whoever wins, the police report will be unintelligible.
Don’t want to be sent off, don’t stomp on another player’s foot.
As a hater, this is fair.
Thank you for ranking Youppi! May he repose en paix.
I feel like these repeated postings of images of Terry Bollea here is somehow inappropriate.
I can’t put my finger on why, but man PUBG makes for compelling viewing. IMO this (or a similar version) could be an esport that breaks through to the mainstream, especially with a well-designed spectator mode.
Yes, the cap takes money from the best players and gives it to the owners, but it also (perhaps moreso) takes money from the best players and distributes it among the non-best players. KD, LBJ, Westbrook and Harden might all make $50m/yr on the open market. Assuming owners don’t suddenly start running massive losses…