
Keep going, you’re about three comments away from producing some really revolutionary avant garde poetry.

Again, my questions are about the legal case because it’s an interesting legal question to me. This is a comments section, if you can’t handle people discussing things they find interesting you should probably find another way to spend your time.

Friendly reminder: Don’t go ballistic based on assumptions you make about others that are completely off-base. I don’t play Overwatch at all, don’t play multiplayer (a bit of Rocket League at which I SUUUUUUUCK).

That’s an offer I can’t refuse. Address and time please.

I don’t play Overwatch, my questions were about the legal basis for the suit, not justifying the use of cheating, but whether building a cheat is illegal and the basis for a civil suit. My questions about the lawsuit aren’t some effort to justify my cheating, but that does seem to be the assumption by those who have

I don’t know what that means.

Calm down man, why are you so mad about someone asking a question?

Well, you’ve already bought the game, so no revenue lost there, though upthread someone mentioned the microtransactions which I had forgotten about, so yes, that is a damage that though difficult to quantify, does exist.

But the cheat makers aren’t playing the game, so they aren’t (necessarily) violating the EULA. Every user who cheats is, but that is a different matter. I’d also suspect (without looking at the Overwatch EULA) that it does not authorize Blizzard infinite damages for anyone violating it, or if it does, that is a wholly

Hard to know, much like the arguments about whether piracy harms or helps game sales. But it certainly isn’t as clear cut as the angry anti-piracy warriors here might want you to believe.

And we can all see you using curse words apparently for the first time in this thread. I think your mom has warmed up your bagel bites, best get them before they cool off.

There’s no question it’s morally suspect but legally is a completely different issue. Yes, people who cheat in multiplayer are scumbags, and those who boast about their resulting success are pathetic. But that’s a completely different argument than Blizzard is making, and not grounds for damages.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I’m not claiming it as fact that people buy Overwatch because there are cheats available. I’m just wondering how they would demonstrate damages from what you outline, that fewer people buy the product because of declining interest in a title due to cheaters.

I asked a question and am trying to have a conversation, you’re just an asshole mad about something nobody will or wants to understand. Go fuck yourself.

Obviously they should have had triplets one of whom was stillborn.

I’m still not clear on the basis for this suit. Perhaps minor copyright infringement if they use Blizzard assets in their marketing, but that’s easily solvable. But I don’t see how me creating a product that alters the way your product works grounds for a civil tort. If anything, the cheats have expanded the market

Like this you mean:

Sounds like a Roguelike execution of Rimworld.

No, he looks at talent first, and gives strong consideration to character. I’m sure you’re a great guy but I don’t think Pop is giving you a look.