Yeah, but it sucks because at least right now, studios probably aren’t going to let that character helm his own big-budget movie.
Yeah, but it sucks because at least right now, studios probably aren’t going to let that character helm his own big-budget movie.
TRUE. I remember awhile back when there was a bit of a push to make Donald Glover Spider-man, and he would have been great. I believe that ended when the studio was like, well he’s black. C’mon guys. Just, COME ON.
I know this is probably a weird opinion to have, but I actually feel somewhat bad for the clerks in this situation. Not because they’re about to have the Internet come down on them hard - they absolutely deserve that - but how angry, frustrated and unhappy are you with your life that you’re going to call gay people,…
Don’t forget about the paint-splattered overalls.
YES. Please God Internet heroes, get it done. As is, it’s like watching a depressed woman fritter away her afternoon.
Totally agree that Adnan did it. Think there’s a very good chance Avery did it too, but I don’t think Dassey had anything to do with anything. Also, no way Avery did it the way the prosecutor said he did, etc. etc.
“Elhiani and CSC dismissed their case without prejudice, which is usually a sign that a settlement was reached. [Waiting on word from his lawyer if there was a settlement.”
The likelihood of me getting out of the grays is minimal, but here we go anyway:
“When the public is ravenous for stories of the wrongfully-convicted (Serial, The Jinx), Schulz asks, what distinguishes Ricciardi and Demos from that opportunistic, audience-driven producer?”