“Sept. 14 flight which departed from Birmingham, Ala” was all the information needed. You know dem southerners were just itchin’ to nail some terries around 9/11
I wanna kill this idea so bad my dick’s hard.
Poor little fascist snowflake gets “ambushed”. He’s a bully and a fucking coward that hates the people he served with and abuses the power the people have given him to reward the greed and prejudice of assholes like Trump.
Bet he didn’t see that coming.
Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?
Kind of a long winded way to call the guy a dick.
My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p
Same as it ever was.
They threw out their low-level guys that they were done with, and everyone else walked. Sort of the way the guys who caused the financial crisis walked.
And there it is........game, set, match.
I suspect the AG will almost immediately proclaim the report a wash and confirm “no collusion”, which Trump will then bray throughout the 2020 election and beyond.
Color me cynical. This is going to be a complete dud, and the biggest disappointment felt by a liberal since my wife first saw me naked.
Man, I was going to scroll right past this but I’m glad I didn’t. I learned something today.
Here’s an interesting video about the police by a better Beauregard than me. (Don’t be too quick to judge the guy based on his looks.)