
We got the Nazi! Good job, team! Your work is done. Richard Spencer is outta here! Good ridd — huh? What’s that? This isn’t Richard Spencer? Are you sure? So it was Tom Metzger? No? Jack Pieceofshitwhatshisname? Jason Kessler? That Baked Alaska fuck? No, no, no?

Why do we keep assuming that it was hard for her to learn to love her body or that she even had to learn to love it in the first place?

That’s transparently a semantic, move-the-goalposts, cop-out of a bet because you specifically name Kim and you specifically say lead and you specifically name yourself even though this was initially about all of the Kardashians/Jenners (Chyna too dont @ me) and all of the coverage from all the Jez staff. But hell, I’l

Personally I like when Jez pretends they’re sick of things they continue to cover ad infinitum

BDE means “big dick energy”-a sort of understated confidence. In case I’m the only one who didn’t know that.

For creating the longest sentence in the world?

He whimpered in a high-pitched voice like a child. ‘I’m sorry, Mom,’ he wept. ‘Mommy, please help me. I don’t want to do this, Mommy.’

I see you GOP. We turning this ship around and it starts with stop falling into your traps.

Ah, that gif is perfection!

I chuckled at “determine who are the terrific people.” He knows like 4 adjectives. I laugh in order to not cry.

It’s really a betrayal to vote for him. I understand that as women, we’re not a hive-mind, but this man has said nothing but hateful, awful, sexist, misogynistic, abusive things for years and years. A woman’s value to him is her fuckability. That’s it. How any woman could think that he has their best interests at

Celeste Barber does it again!

Fragile? Are you talking about Frailty?