Tina Burner

hey anamarie,

precisely none of this exists without british imperialism. so thanks for that, limey.

Not your sweetheart, jackass. And you know who I voted for.

know thy enemy ≠ make excuses for thy enemy’s shitty behavior

I doubt very much he could tell you why “emails” and “Benghazi” are “bad.”

So maybe cool it shilling for sympathy for the angry, ignorant, constipated Baby Boomers who insist on fucking up our environment/economy as much as they can before dying out.

My best friend from college voted for him because he blames Clinton for Benghazi and thinks the email server was an abomination

Are Trump supporters being “reductive” when they label all Muslims terrorists and all Mexicans murders/rapists?

Or we can just wait for the stubborn, ignorant, fat, white boomers to get Alzheimer’s. I’m leaning more toward that.

No. It’s 18%. That’s how math works. People don’t have their citizenship invalidated simply because they didn’t vote. That’s how the Constitution works.

yes, dear, i have a job.

he should be shot for that hair, so long as we’re just shooting stuff we hate.

Get over yourself.

So, I read the whole piece in the Post, and while he definitely (quantifiably) sucks more, I found her whole “he’s so superficial” bit somewhat unconvincing, seeing as how, right off the bat, she’s like “I only like tall guys,” and her first criticism of him was “he’s too thin.”

Erica: He challenged me when I said my type was more masculine.

if i had to pick between the two, i’m probably more offended by the armchair critic who thinks she’s entitled to decide what an artist could and should record.

good luck idiots.

peoe will think you’re a criminal

taking like a thug

Gobble a back of dicks, if you please.