
“Gizmodo 2028:. Breaking news! VW Electric vehicles have been emitting Q-waves far in excess of global quantum radiation standards for years! Software analysts have uncovered code meant to hide the Q-waves in the normal EM-background emissions when Q-waves scanners are detected in the vicinity.”

Absolutely. But, when you go and present the facts, don’t go about it with skewed statistics or an attitude that they’re completely incorrect.

Well, they could have been, but they’d be bulkier.

Vaccines DONT cause autism. 100% agreed.

Theyre stupid for risking it... Absolutely...

For fuck sake, theyre idiots, but leave them alone.

That’s the thing... Roombas ARE low budget devices. They use bumpers and a randomized movement pattern. They have zero navigational ability save for a few basic maneuvers that it commits to blindly.