
This is NOT just about social media. Not a single forum-style site can survive without Section 230 protection from prosecution. You really think an Internet without any public forums is a better one? Because that’s utterly fucking asinine. No comment sections anywhere. No Reddit. No Slashdot. No user reviews on any

It’s possible you’re older than me? Having grown up with the evolution of the World Wide Web, I honestly can’t remember a medium that allowed for user generated content to be published and accessed with such ease, that is still around today. Like I wrote in to Nintendo Power, but they still had an editor to moderate

Yeah, a fair and free Internet does mean you have to wade through other people’s shit, but I would rather love freedom with all its blemishes than take the alternative with no outlet to say the pretentious crap I’m saying right meow.

Meh, she doesn’t have a lot to lose. Assets? Naw, guaranteed she lives in FLorida, where they’ve got a snowball’s chance in Tampa of getting anything. Her credibility is...well, I’d say shot if she ever had any, but she lost at Life the minute her parents named her “Terpsichore”.

A bit rubbish of an article, no?

This article alone is offensive in itself because it assumes that everyone talking with those phrases with this “ableist” mentality in the forefront to intentionally be mean towards others.

The idea that long term disease management with medicine (pills or injections) is bad causes a lot of issues with people avoiding treatments they need because they don't want to be dependent on medicine. I know this from personal experience. It isnt a healthy way to view things. If you need a medicine you need it, no

“Bezos didn’t go high enough for the overview effect.”

You are thinking with todays technologies, and todays rules. No one is saying we should open a Steel factory on the moon tomorrow. What we are saying is that in the *future* the raw materials all exist off planet that we need to make most things, so instead of destroying the earth mining them, melting them, etc, we do

Right? The problem wasn't having a satellite dish on his car, it was having it ON THE HOOD obstructing his vision. 

Dude couldn't figure out a roof mount? Come on.

They might have determined that it would be unsafe to put the explosives in a vehicle (or bunch of vehicles) and drive them through other populated areas to dispose of them in a remote area. Really, this seems like a “good” idea, to “safely” dispose of them without having to transport them.

Scott Cawthon has donated hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to St. Judes hospital and other charities. What have people like you done? Just whine and moan because his political leanings offend you and you somehow think that makes you a victim. I’d bet my life he’s done more good for this world than any of the

Okay... Is there some kind of scandal here? He’s not allowed to donate to his party of choice?

“For centuries darker-skinned Afro-Latinx people have been erased from Latinidad, but we will be forgotten no more. We are tired of being maids and background dancers and will continue to push back until we are seen and heard. Indeed, Lin Manuel Miranda ‘fell short.’”

I swear Americans don’t have enough real issues in their lives.

LMM has done more to promote minorities on stage and screen than anyone else in the last dozen years or so. Too fucking bad if there’s not enough of a particular minority featured in “In the Heights” - he shouldn’t have to apologize for shit.

Not breaking any laws and not being in the public interest are two very different things. There’s a very famous picture of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, naked and crying, when she was nine years old. We’ve all seen it. As we all know, 9 year old’s cannot give consent. But that picture is not viewed as child, or non-consensual,

the issue with Hill isn’t just revenge porn.  It’s the inappropriate relationship with her employee revealed by the revenge porn.  Revenge porn is wrong and her husband is a garbage POS.  But the relationship with her employee still an abuse of power

How dare you bring logic and reason to the conversation. Rich people doing rich people things. Nothing to see here.

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.