
This situation is a perfect example of the modern fad of revering or vilifying someone immediately based on superficial poltical grounds.

While they are despicable and promote hate, this is the US and they can march too. They unfortunately are everywhere, in every city and state. I don’t hold a city or state responsible for a group doing something legal. We can’t stifle their voice, least we are prepared to have ours stifled too.  One other point - I

Like, Trump was banned for a tweet that on it’s own, wasn’t even particularly inciteful of violence, yet Iranian religious and political leaders haven’t been banned for calling for the destruction of Israel and the Nation Of Islam’s leaders haven’t been banned for virulent anti-Semitism.

Back when my daughter was doing her undergraduate engineering degrees, she interned during the summers with NASA at their facility at Edwards Air Force Base (Armstrong Flight Research Center, formerly known as Dryden) doing research for an upcoming Mars mission. They broke the sound barrier their and the facility is

I love these troll articles, they’re hilarious. Keep em up lol

How is having a PhD a requirement for being a scientist? It’s more that his degree is in mechanical engineering, which is still a Bachelor’s of Science degree, and as far as I am aware hasn’t worked as a researcher, which I guess technically qualifies one as a scientist, but you’re really just splitting hairs here.

If it’s already registered with the Coast Guard, I’m assuming that it meets all CG requirements for a vessel of it’s type.

Ok, my history nut side just got activated.

You can call it many things, but this is not a coup attempt.

I think it is funny that a religious leader would put something like this up on his website. Can you imagine Pope Francis putting something like this on his website?

It’s not unethical. He’s entitled to his opinion and he’s entitled to speak about it. Censorship is censorship, even when you call it by other names. He has the listeners he has because people like his show. If you don’t, don’t listen but don’t try to censor him because his opinions don’t match yours. The truth is, he

Yeah, it sucks that everyone has a right to legal recourse, right?

Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. You can nominate the “purist” candidates you want on the Democrat or Republican ticket, but if they aren’t electable, it’s meaningless.

Manchin signed a pledge with Chuck Schumer over exactly what he’d support back in August and Schumer signed it as well. There is a written agreement that supports child tax credits, renewable energy and a host of other progressive policies in big, big numbers (hundred of millions for each one). Manchin did not

In what world, where West Virginia gave Joe Biden 29% of the vote, are you going to get a “pure” Democrat elected?

A slur is a slur no matter who it’s aimed at. The target being white people doesn’t make it somehow okay.

And being pregnant has nothing to do with it. Did they mention if she was vegan or not? Might as well try to get the vegans in on this action.

This isn’t some whistleblower uncovering something illegal Netflix or Chappelle was doing, they literally stole highly confidential trade secrets. I would expect criminal charges and a civil lawsuit, it could harm Netflix future dealings with other talent.:

Well what did the person leaking that data expect? The reason it hasn’t happened before is people probably don’t want to lose their jobs, which this person absolutely should have.

Name me one company where sharing proprietary, confidential data without authorization doesn’t get you fired. Especially when you share it to the media. Or, does being Black and pregnant grant one immunity?