
If they ain’t boiled, they ain’t bagels.

Not unless both ingredients are bagels.

Well, who knows? Maybe Kudlow is a disgraced Klingon who was left on 21st century Earth and demands blood wine?

Everyone here assumes this game is tasteless jingoistic trash, based only on the fact that you play from the perspective of a US marine. No one has played this game, gameplay footage has been pretty limited, so no one really knows how the game will present its subject matter. Perhaps everyone here is right and the

Youre the idiot.  Not serving certain drinks isnt the same as preventing people access to art or media.


So to use a separate example.... the Comics Code Authority. Self-Imposed by the industry following the publication of a psychiatrist’s book. Devastated the comic book industry by forcing publishers to stop making horror stories, never letting the bad guys win, so on and so forth. Tried (and almost succeeded) to block

Yes, it can be.  When the rich try to stop something from being published that’s censorship whether or not it’s “muh gubmint” doing it.

People constantly conflate the first amendment with censorship believing that it’s ONLY censorship if the government is involved. This is incorrect, but it’s a depressingly widespread belief.

I swear, you guys are as dense as FREEDOM OF SPEECH WARRIORS! A store refusing to carry a product that it ordinarily would *because* of that product’s speech is censorship. It isn’t illegal or a violation of the first amendment, but it’s censorship.

If the game is overtly bigoted it’s one thing, but calling on deplatforming for anything “problematic” is disgusting.  If it really is overtly offensive I agree deplatforming is the way to go, but not only if it's due to the subject matter.

Likely true, but powered flight at least has the advantage of speed and maneuverability. Like if they wanted paratroopers to use them for insertion, they could drop faster and only slow down close to the ground, instead of letting the parachute fall at a fixed rate. But it’s a big noisy heat source no matter what, so

I keep telling people, any device that promises full access to a person’s home is overpriced, no matter how cheap it is. All you need is a big ol’ rock. Can’t help with the ethical hacking part, but it does repel tigers.

Prior to HBO Max, back when Game of Thrones was the hip thing, you could opt to subscribe to HBO Go for 15 bucks which would grant you streaming to their library of shows including GoT.  HBO Go eventually changed to HBO Max, which had the same benefits, plus the added library from things like Crunchyroll and Cartoon

I’m with everyone who liked the motion controls. They were very well implemented in this game and they were a lot of fun. If you don’t like motion controls, that’s fine. Just don’t show your ignorance by calling it "waggle".  That refers to the pseudo motion controls of the early Wii era that was essentially just

I tried out Stadia, GeForce Now, and Luna.

If we ever applied this logic to the history of game consoles, here’s a quick list of notable companies that wouldn’t be in gaming right now: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft...

I’d say the Honk Kong flag being removed is more important than the Rising Sun imagery, since it’s been the target of much discussion since nearly 70 years (25 or so just for Street Fighter) and H.K. is NOW being destroyed. It should get more focus.

1400+600 = 2000


An ex from Texas used to say “Texans are great, the newcomers....”. I get the same impression from folks I know that moved to NH thinking it to be some libertarian paradise.